Mr. & Mrs. Smithのセラピーシーンの会話、解答編です。
Bradd : Okay, I’ll go first. Umm…let me say, uh…we don’t really need to be here.
    So we’ve been married for 5 years.
Angie : Six.
Bradd : Five, six years. And…this is like…a check up for us.
    A chance to poke around the engine, change the oil, replace the sealer too.
Therapist : Very well done. Let’s pop the hood.
      On a scale of one to ten how happy are you as a couple?
Angie : Eight.
Brad : Wait. Ten being perfectly happy and one being totally miserable or…?
Therapist : Just respond instinctively.
Brad : Okay. Ready?
Angie : Ready.
Brad / Angie : Eight.
Therapist : How often do you have sex?
Angie : I don’t understand the question.
Brad: Yeah, I’m lost. Is this a one to ten thing?
Angie : Because if it’s like one “very little” or is one “nothing”,
    because you know technically speaking, zero would be nothing.
Therapist : How about this week?
Brad: Including the weekend?
Therapist : Sure.
Brad / Angie : ………..
Therapist : Describe how you first met.
Angie : Ah, it was in Columbia.
Brad : Bogota. Five years ago.
Angie : Six.
Brad : Right. Five or six years ago.
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