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Mansions and Romance
Hello from England!!
I’d like to tell you a little bit about what me and my girlfriend like to do on our weekends. Unlike other people between 20 and 29, who enjoy visiting pubs and watching football, Megan and I spend our weekends visiting grand country mansions. Shortly after we started dating, we joined an organisation called the ‘National Trust’ which maintains historic buildings and parks across the United Kingdom. Now we are members we can visit all their places for free!
We both think country mansions, or ‘halls’ as we call them, are very romantic places. As you can see in the pictures, they are incredibly beautiful buildings to walk around and always have great big green open spaces. I think walking in nature, and breathing in clean country air is good for the body and soul. On our first date Megan and I met in a coffee shop, then took a walk around a big park in a local town called ‘Ipswich’. In the park we saw, by surprise, that you could visit the small mansion in the centre of the park. We were both quite shocked that the other person would enjoy visiting a grand house, in England these activities are usually only done by retired people. Our shared enjoyment of this unusual hobby helped our early love blossom.
When we walk around the halls I like to imagine myself as the lord of the mansion. When I walk in to the grand rooms, I imagine inviting my friends over and hosting magnificent dinners. This activity energises me, and I come home more focussed and inspired to improve myself and develop my businesses. I believe that thoughts become things, so apart from enjoying the beauty of English country mansions I think visiting them is a good exercise to build success in life. A famous American, when asked what his secret of success was, replied ‘Always surround yourself with beauty’.
One week ago, as a special treat for Megan I surprised her with two costumes from the Georgian period of English history (about 200 years ago). These were special costumes, exact copies of the characters Mr. Darcy and Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett from Jane Austin’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’. Megan, like so many girls in England, has always secretly fantasised about having her own Mr. Darcy. Last weekend she had him. We both dressed up, and visited our favourite hall – Ickworth. At first, Megan was too embarrassed to leave our car dressed like Elizabeth Bennett, but after 10 minutes of persuasion she took my arm and we walked together to the hall. Everyone at Ickworth was excited to see us, and most asked to have our pictures. Some people joined in the fun and began speaking to us like Georgian aristocrats “Good afternoon my Lord, how are you enjoying the house?” When we had lunch in the restaurant the whole place turned to look at us, Megan who is quite a shy person was a little nervous, but I loved it!
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you enjoyed the pictures, and maybe learned a little something about English culture.
Richard Harris

目指せネイティブ発音!   -英語マスターへの道
目指せネイティブ発音!   -英語マスターへの道
目指せネイティブ発音!   -英語マスターへの道
写真のような、お城みたいなお屋敷(mansion)のことを、地元では hall と呼ぶようですね。
organisation, centre, energises, fantasised, favouriteなどは、イギリス式スペルです。
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